Deann Ren?’s debut album Not Crying Today captures the most stirring moments of this powerful songwriter’s eight year run playing clubs and venues. It’s strong-willed rock and roll, with soulful, hard road anthems like “Heartbreak,” “You’re Gonna Lose,” and “Not Crying Today” offering an inside look at an Austin girl who grew up with music in her blood. Recorded at Austin’s 5th Street Studios, the 10-track album features production from Jason Lively and contributions from Ren?’s longtime band: guitarist Kyle Judd, bassist Tom Coyne, and drummer Ric Furley. Ren? credits her band with creating a foundation for her emotive lyrics and true life messages, which derive straight from Ren?’s personal experiences and lay out onto Not Crying Today with a full heart and muscular tone. She soothes on “Butterflies, howls on “Ain’t It Enough.” She finds her moral compass on “Andrew,” when, just before breaking into the chorus, she sings: “Even in my darkest hour, I feel all my strength and power when I think of you.” “My songs are about real people and real issues,” she explains. “Relationships, hardships, real things. Life is about overcoming all the obstacles, and I feel like it helps to hear songs that are about those obstacles. “They’re real songs, songs about real things.” Real things. Real like Deann Ren?.