A History of the Plantagenets, Vol. 3: The Three Edwards [Hardcover] Thomas B. Costain


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SKU: VB58-081 Categories: , Product Condition: Used


The Three Edwards covers one hundred years of taut and color-packed English history. These were the years in which Edward the First, wise son of the unstable Henry the Third, codified English laws and established firmly the principle of authority vested in the House of Commons. After the inglorious interlude of Edward the Second’s reign, came Edward the Third, the spectacular and ambitious monarch who waged the first stages of the Hundred Years War with France and won the never-to-be forgotten victory at Cr?cy. At the same time, he was extravagant and wasteful and poured the fruits of his victories into maintaining the most brilliant court in all civilization.The French wars produced a group of fighting English knights, John Hawkwood, John Chandos, Walter de Manny, and Richard Knollys, whose exploits have never been equalled. A full history could be devoted to these leaders of detached English armies.The pages of this volume are packed also with the stories of Edward’s large family, his many sons, including the Black Prince of immortal memory, and his jovial and beautiful daughters.

Item Condition: Used Good. 1962 edition. Hardcover has some minor wear along the sides, scuffs and marks. No dust jacket. Spine has some wear on the top and bottom and discoloration to light brown. Pages are clean and the binding is secure.

Additional information

Weight 1.4 lbs
Dimensions 23.11 × 16 × 3.81 in


Publication date
