Two years ago, since I published “Chinese Cuisine”, I received much encouragement as well as helpful suggestions from many readers, former students and friends, both here and abroad. Such enthusiasm inspired me to write “Chinese Snacks”. I must thank all of my readers for this support and encouragement. When I was writing “Chinese Snacks”, even though I was quite busy, I did quite a bit of thinking, reviewing and analyzing about its publication. After its completion I again received much warm encouragement and now the number of copies published continues to increase. Today, everyone recognizes “Chinese Cuisine” and “Chinese Snacks” not only as examples of techniques, but also as examples of an art. Because of this, I feel that when cooking Chinese food, preparing the ingredients and calculating the amount, a specific pattern or model should be followed. This is especially true when preparing “Chinese Snacks”. A precise plan is necessary not only for the cooking procedure, and time required, but also in considering the aesthetics of color and serving. If precise plan is followed the most ideal results can be expected. Because of this I felt that the content, organization and proportions used in the first edition of “Chinese Snacks” needed improvements and revision. When writing the second edition, I divided the recipes, added illustrated directions and more explanations, and changed the order of some recipes. Because of these improvements I hope the reader will be able to understand the recipes fully and be inspired to use them as a basis for further study and enjoyment of the art of Chinese cooking.